"Disney "World of Color" - by Motion Theory".
U2/ Green Day video clip: " The Saints are Coming" PLUG-IN VERSION: 2.1.6 SIZE: 1.13 Mb DATE: 30 March 2012 PACKAGE: Cinema 4D PLATFORM: Windows 32/64 PLUG-IN VERSION: 2.1.6 SIZE: 1.The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.Hybrid fluid solver technology to simulate large bodies of water with secondary effects such as splashes, foam, and mist.Particle based solver (liquid, gas, elastic and particles).Next Limit lists three 3rd party plugins for Wetwork, IoSim, and V-Motion. The plugin supports following DCC applications: 3ds Max, Maya, and Cinema 4D. I used Realflow to create the simulation itself and then I imported the simulation into Blender via the new Alembic importer. Now you can import Realflow's native format which is alembic and this is huge. RFCore is a plugin for bringing RealFlow functionality to the DCC applications. There were always weird artifacts around the fluid. The plugin is also available for Lightwave and Softimage but the development is currently not active. The plugin supports following DCC applications: 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, and Houdini. The plugin is a successor of RF Connectivity and RF RenderKit (RFRK). In addition to these technologies, RealFlow also provides a broad range of built-in tools to influence and control the dynamics of fluids and objects - even as a post-process. It is capable of simulating large-scale Hybrido fluids, highly detailed particles fluids, rigid and soft bodies, and wave surfaces. RFConnect is a connectivity plugin between standalone RealFlow and DCC applications. RealFlow is a stand-alone application for fluid and object dynamics. DYVERSO solvers and rapid OpenVDB meshing speed up simulation times by 10x.More controllabitlity: new splines nodes, text tools, daemons falloff, crown daemon, and spreadsheets.Direct-to-render feature using Maxwell Render.New DYVERSO solvers and GPU acceleration.An increase in the quality of simulations.The main features in this major release include: On July 30, 2015, RealFlow 2015 was released to the public. With this interface, fluids can also be rendered as foam and spray.
The RFRK enables the generation of procedural geometry at render time and the rendering of individual fluid particles. What is 'RFConnect' and which platforms/render engines are supported 'RFConnect' is a collection of plugins for exchanging data between RealFlow and your 3D application: The plugins are free of charge and can be downloaded together with your copy of RealFlow (all license types) from our customer gateway. The RealFlow Renderkit (RFRK) is a set of tools designed to facilitate the rendering of fluids. The inclusion of Python scripting and C++ plug-ins allows users to program their own tools to improve RealFlow capabilities, adding control to most aspects of the RealFlow workflow including batch runs, events, daemons, waves, and fluids. RealFlow can also simulate soft and rigid body collisions and interactions. These particles can be influenced in various ways by point-based nodes (daemons) which can do various tasks such as simulate gravity or recreate the vortex-like motion of a tornado. RealFlow technology uses particle based simulations.